

问题? 电子邮件 international@cn33.net 寻求帮助!


North Park University has more than 300 international students from over 50 countries who enroll in our 本科 项目, 神学院, 选择研究生项目.



  • 新的国际学生和交换生将住在校园应计划在周二入住, 8月20日, 9:00到9:00.m.–9:00 p.m. 8月21日至22日将为所有新入学的国际学生举行迎新会和活动, 2024.
  • 请查看您的北园电子邮件,了解校园方向和详细的到达信息.
  • 新的国际学生运动员将从他们的教练那里收到到达信息. Athletes may have an earlier arrival/move-in date.
  • If you are not able to arrive on your assigned date, 请联系 国际招生.


面向国际学生 is required for all incoming exchange, 本科, 研究生, 及神学院学生.

在线定位: 检查您的电子邮件说明和链接,以访问定向模块在 Canvas, which should be completed before your arrival. This virtual orientation will be sent out approximately one month before arrival and will prepare you to be a successful international student.


面对面的方向: 8月21日和22日是所有国际新生和转学生的必修课. 请查看下面的完整时间表.


本科 & 交换学生:计划参与阈值, an orientation for all new 本科 students, immediately following international orientation. 



学习 如何申请签证, pay the I-901 fee, and schedule an appointment at the U.S. 大使馆.


If you 秋天 out of status for failure to adhere to any of these guidelines, 你必须向美国申请复职.S. 公民及移民服务局. Reinstatement is costly and is only granted under limited conditions. If you think you might be out of status, please 联系国际事务办公室 立即寻求协助.

You must have health insurance each semester you are enrolled at North Park. 亚游集团官方网站为国际学生提供全面的保险计划, 强烈建议你购买哪一款.




Exchange students who wish to submit an insurance waiver, please complete the j - 1豁免 below and submit via email, 还有一份保险单的复印件.

j - 1豁免


  • If you are an 本科 (degree-seeking or exchange) student, you must enroll in 12 or more credits each semester. 至少9学分必须是亲自或混合.
  • 如果你是研究生,你必须每学期注册8个或更多的学分. 至少5个学分必须是亲自或混合.
  • 如果你在四年级B班上课,这将计入最低注册要求, those classes must show on your class schedule at the start of the semester.
  • 只有一门在线课程(不超过3个学分)可以计入你的全日制注册. Any courses above minimum in-person enrollment requirements can be online.

International students on an F-1 签证 may be eligible to apply for a 减少课程负担 (RCL) for Academic Difficulty or a Medical Condition. 注意:在OIA批准您的请求之前,您不得放弃全日制注册.



Every semester that you study in the United States on an F-1 or J-1 签证, North Park University is required to report to the U.S. Government that you are complying with student 签证 regulations. 这个过程被称为“SEVIS注册”.每学期你必须向国际事务办公室提交一份完整的SEVIS清单.


If you have loan paperwork that you need completed for CSN, Lanekassen, 或者其他贷款提供者, 请联系 学生账户.

如果您需要注册证明或其他填写有您的学习成绩/信息的表格, 请与 注册处.

F-1签证是用来进入美国的. 在大多数情况下,一旦你到了美国.S. you are permitted to remain here as long as you are maintaining F-1 status, 即使你的签证到期了. 如果你是在美国境外旅行.S. with an expired 签证, you must renew your 签证 before returning. Please follow the instructions included here or 联系国际事务办公室 了解更多信息.


Student 签证 regulations require that F and J international students are required 报告任何更改 in name, address, contact information or educational program to their international student advisor within 10 days of the change. 请联系 international@cn33.net 报告任何更改.


在美国的学生生活可能与你在本国所经历的不同, or another country in which you may have studied.

在美国,社会安全号码作为个人识别号码. They are also required before a person may be paid for employment.



If you have been hired for on-campus employment, you’ll have to complete some paperwork to apply for your Social Security card.

It takes approximately two-four weeks after the date of application to receive a Social Security card in the mail. 不幸的是, 在你拿到社会保障卡之前,你不能得到工作报酬, so start this process as soon as you’ve found a job.



校园附近有许多银行. 如果你想在美国开一个银行账户.S.,请与他们联系,询问开户所需的文书工作. 大多数银行都希望看到你的学生I.D., passport, and/or I-20/DS-2019 to open your account. 有些银行可能需要社会安全号码.




如果你没有社会安全号码, 您可以使用您本国的有效驾照驾驶一年. 在某些情况下, 您也可能有资格获得临时访客驾驶执照(TVDL)或州身份证.



You may have an International Driver’s Permit (IDP) from your home country. The IDP is a translation of your home-country driver’s license; it does not constitute a legal driver’s license by itself.


If you will leave the United States while you are a student, you will need a travel validation signature on your Form I-20 or DS-2019. Each travel signature is valid for 12 months to gain re-entry to the U.S. 如需重新签名,请与国际事务处联系. Students on an F-1 签证 can receive I-20s via email. 您必须打印I-20(彩色),签名,并在旅行时随身携带纸质副本. 

In addition to your I-20 you should have the following documents in your carry-on bag while traveling: passport, 签证, 财务文件(一).e. 银行月结单)、本学期或下学期课程表、纽大录取通知书.

报税截止日期是2024年4月15日. 作为在美国的非居民学生, you’re legally required to file 8843年形成 if you resided in the U.S. 在2023年. 如果你在美国获得了任何收入,美国国税局也依法要求你提交纳税申报表.S. 在2023年.

如果你没有收到任何收入 在2023年, then you do NOT need to file a tax return; however, you ARE still obliged to file a 8843年形成 与国税局合作. 以下是你需要做的:

  1. 下载、打印 & 完成一个 8843年形成 *我们已经准备好了 表格8843说明 协助您.
  2. Mail the form to the following address: Department of the Treasury, 国内税收服务中心, 奥斯丁, TX 73301-0215

如果你有收入(通过校园工作), 实习, or any other source type of paid work) North Park University 已经安排 免费获取 为您准备税务. Sprintax will guide you through the tax preparation process, arrange the necessary documents and check if you’re due a tax refund. 要使用springtax,您需要做的就是:

  1. 注册springtax 按照简单的说明去做
  2. 完成在线问卷
  3. 输入唯一代码 (NPU100F23) 在……检查你的订单。” page
  4. Sprintax will prepare your tax return, including the 8843年形成.
  5. Once you complete the preparation process in the Sprintax 软件,你必须向国税局提交你的文件(通过邮件或电子文件). 您还必须完成任何必要的付款. 


Sprintax YouTube

注意:如果您在2023年有校内工作,并同意在线接收您的W2声明, you can now view and/or print your 2023 tax statement via 自助服务. If you did not consent to receive your W2 statements online via 自助服务,你的纸质版会寄给你. If you have questions about your W2, 请联系 humanresources@cn33.net.


作为一个国际学生, you were granted a 签证 for the primary purpose of study, so your employment opportunities may be limited to on-campus work or positions that further your academic training.

作为一名国际学生,你可以每周在学校工作20个小时. 在学校正式放假期间(夏季), 秋天, 寒假和春假, 但不是定期周末), 你每周可以在校园里工作40个小时. 所有的校内工作都需要得到国际事务办公室的事先授权. 找一份校内工作? 在上创建帐户 握手 然后search 校内、非工作、学习工作. Note: ISEP students must obtain permission from ISEP before starting work.

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) refers to any off-campus 实习, 领域经验, 或者在你所学专业实习. Degree-seeking students must complete one academic year in F-1 status and meet North Park’s requirements for 实习 or practical before being allowed to participate in CPT. If you are interested in learning more or applying for CPT, 您必须观看以下视频教程,并按照这里提供的说明进行操作:


CPT政策 & Instrucions

Once you’re ready to apply, please submit this form:



临床/位置 雇主/实习

If you are completing a bachelor’s or master’s degree at North Park and have been in F-1 status for one academic year, you may apply for OPT no sooner than 90 days before and no later than 60 days after your program end date (graduation). OPT gives you permission to look for employment and work in your major field of studies for one year after your graduation. 在某些情况下, you may be eligible for pre-completion OPT.

应用ing for OPT costs $470 for online filing and you will need to request an OPT I-20 from the 国际事务办公室. 如果你对OPT感兴趣, 您需要观看以下视频并仔细阅读这里的分步说明:




Once you’re ready to apply, you must submit this form:

OPT I-20申请表

提交OPT申请后,请观看以下视频 & 仔细审查这些资源:


报告 & 旅游信息



The STEM OPT extension is a 24-month period of temporary training that directly relates to an F-1 student’s 学习计划 在批准的STEM领域. Eligible F-1 students with STEM degrees who finish their 学习计划 and participate in an initial period of regular post-completion选择 (often for 12 months) have the option to apply for a STEM OPT extension. Student must apply before their post-completion选择 expires. 有关STEM OPT延期的更多信息,请查看SEVP STEM OPT中心.


Please carefully read the instructions provided here. You must submit a request form and receive a new I-20 from the 国际事务办公室 with a STEM OPT extension endorsement, 在完成申请流程之前.



Once you are approved for STEM OPT you must submit the reporting form (linked here) to the OIA every 6 months. Please carefully review the reporting requirements and travel resources.


责任 & 旅行

The Student and Exchange 访问or Program (SEVP) defines “severe economic hardship” as a financial condition caused by unforeseen circumstances beyond the student’s control that make it difficult for a student to continue education in the United States. Eligible F-1 students may apply for this off-campus work authorization to financial support the continuation of their studies. 应用ing for 严重的经济困难 work authorization costs $520 and must be recommended by the 国际事务办公室. 有关申请流程的更多信息,请阅读下面的说明.


我们鼓励你在北公园学习期间参加志愿者活动. 志愿服务 is a great way to meet new friends and learn more about U.S. 文化. Please note that federal guidelines for degree-seeking international and exchange students are very strict as to what constitutes a volunteer experience. Please 联系国际事务办公室 to obtain approval before engaging in any volunteer activity.


  • 在美国境内旅行可能需要60天的时间.S. 准备离开这个国家. 在此期间,您不能工作,也不能离境和再次入境.
  • You may apply for another program at North Park.
  • You may apply for an academic program at another U.S. 大学.
  • If you’ve completed an 本科 or 研究生 degree, 你有资格向美国移民局申请在美国工作一年的许可. 这个就业机会, referred to as 选择性实习训练(OPT), 只允许在你的专业领域学习吗. 请联系国际事务办公室了解申请OPT的信息.

完成交换项目后, 持J-1签证的学生有30天的时间在美国境内旅行,并准备离开美国. 在这段宽限期内,你不能工作,也不能离境和入境.

If you wish to continue your education at another institution, you will likely need a copy of your transcripts from North Park University. 你可以 索取成绩单 在任何时候.


North Park University’s 国际事务办公室 provides assistance to future and current North Park students who are not citizens or legal residents of the United States. 在你到达北公园之前, you will communicate primarily with the admissions team, while the 国际事务办公室 staff will help you make your transition to 芝加哥 and keep your paperwork in order once you are here.

当你在校园里的时候, 请到学校一楼学生参与中心的国际事务办公室访问 约翰逊中心.

问题? 电子邮件: international@cn33.net



电子邮件泰 | Phone: (773) 244-5553 | Office: 约翰逊中心, First Floor



Assistant 国际事务办公室主任 

电子邮件红宝石 | Phone: (773) 244-5571 | Office: 约翰逊中心, First Floor


国际事务办公室 is located in the Center for Student Engagement on the first floor of the 约翰逊中心. The staff in the 国际事务办公室 prepares documents for international student 签证 applications, 与U接口.S. government on all 签证-related issues, and maintains student 签证 records. While we ask that faculty and staff defer to the 国际事务办公室 on all questions regarding 签证 laws and immigration matters, we understand that students sometimes have more frequent contact with their professors and advisors than with us.

请不要犹豫与 国际事务办公室 了解更多信息.

你们有问题. 我们已经有了答案.

Our admissions team will contact you and send more information about North Park and the opportunities available to you here.
